Job Information

Casual Interview / カジュアル面談

Job Summary



If you are not sure which position you should apply for or you would like to talk with our employees first, please click here to apply for a casual interview.

*Please write any job titles you are interested in or employees you would like to talk to in the "message box".

Company Information

企業名 / Company name

株式会社QunaSys / QunaSys Inc.

設立年月 / Establishment


本社所在地 / Office location (Tokyo)

東京都文京区白山1-13-7 アクア白山ビル9F

Aqua Hakusan building 9F, 1-13-7, Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

資本金 / Capital

1億円 / 100million yen

従業員数 / Number of employees