
Fast-forwardability of Jordan-Wigner-transformed Fermion models based on Cartan decomposition

We study the Hamiltonian algebra of Jordan-Wigner-transformed interacting fermion models and its fast-forwardability. We prove that the dimension of the Hamiltonian algebra of the fermion model with single-site Coulomb interaction is bounded from below by the exponential function of the number of sites, and the circuit depth of the Cartan-based fast-forwarding method for such model also exhibits the same scaling. We apply this proposition to the Anderson impurity model and the Hubbard model and show that the dimension of the Hamiltonian algebra of these models scales exponentially with the number of sites. These behaviors of the Hamiltonian algebras imply that the qubit models obtained by the Jordan-Wigner transformation of these fermion models cannot be efficiently simulated using the Cartan-based fast-forwarding method.


Condensed matter physicsJoint research
Yuichiro Hidaka, Shoichiro Tsutsui, Shota Kanasugi, Norifumi Matsumoto, Kazunori Maruyama, Hirotaka Oshima

Quantum-selected configuration interaction with time-evolved state

Quantum-selected configuration interaction (QSCI) utilizes an input quantum state on a quantum device to select important bases (electron configurations in quantum chemistry) which define a subspace where we diagonalize a target Hamiltonian, i.e., perform selected configuration interaction, on classical computers. Previous proposals for preparing a good input state, which is crucial for the quality of QSCI, based on optimization of quantum circuits may suffer from optimization difficulty and require many runs of the quantum device. Here we propose using a time-evolved state by the target Hamiltonian (for some initial state) as an input of QSCI. Our proposal is based on the intuition that the time evolution by the Hamiltonian creates electron excitations of various orders when applied to the initial state. We numerically investigate the accuracy of the energy obtained by the proposed method for quantum chemistry Hamiltonians describing electronic states of small molecules. Numerical results reveal that our method can yield sufficiently accurate ground-state energies for the investigated molecules. Our proposal provides a systematic and optimization-free method to prepare the input state of QSCI and could contribute to practical applications of quantum computers to quantum chemistry calculations.


Quantum chemistryCondensed matter physics
Mathias Mikkelsen, Yuya O. Nakagawa

Contrasting Statistical Phase Estimation with the Variational Quantum Eigensolver in the era of Early Fault Tolerant Quantum Computation

In this review, we give an overview of the proposed applications in the early-FTQC (EFTQC) era. Starting from the error correction architecture for EFTQC device, we first review the recently developed space-time efficient analogue rotation (STAR) architecture, which is a partially fault-tolerant error correction architecture. Then, we review the requirements of an EFTQC algorithm. In particular, the class of ground state energy estimation (GSEE) algorithm known as the statistical phase estimation algorithm (SPE) is studied. We especially cast our attention on two SPE-type algorithms, the step-function filter-based variant by Lin and Tong (LT22) and Gaussian Filter. Based on the latter, we introduce the Gaussian Fitting algorithm, which uses an alternative post-processing procedure compared to the previous study. Finally, we systematically simulate the aforementioned algorithms and Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) using the 1-uCJ ansatz with different shot counts. Most importantly, we perform noisy simulations based on the STAR architecture. We find that for estimating the ground state energy of the 4-qubit H2 Hamiltonian in the STO-3G basis, SPE becomes more advantageous over VQE when the physical error rate is sufficiently low.


Condensed matter physicsQuantum chemistry
Ming-Zhi Chung, Andreas Thomasen, Henry Liao, Ryosuke Imai

Quantum many-body simulation of finite-temperature systems with sampling a series expansion of a quantum imaginary-time evolution

Simulating thermal-equilibrium properties at finite temperature plays a crucial role in studying the nature of quantum many-body systems. In particular, implementing a finite-temperature simulation on a quantum computer is expected to overcome the difficulty in simulating large-sized systems, for which the quantum Monte-Carlo technique on a classical computer suffers from the sign problem in general. While several methods suitable for fault-tolerant quantum computing (FTQC) devices are expected to be useful in studying large-scale quantum many-body systems, those proposed so far involve a large number of ancilla qubits and a deep quantum circuit with many basic gates, making them unsuitable for the early-FTQC era, i.e., the early stage of the FTQC era, at which only a limited number of qubits and quantum gates are available. In this paper, we propose a method suitable for quantum devices in this early stage to calculate the thermal-equilibrium expectation value of an observable at finite temperature. Our proposal, named the Markov-chain Monte Carlo with sampled-pairs of unitaries (MCMC-SPU) algorithm, is based on sampling simple quantum circuits and generating the corresponding statistical ensembles, and overcomes the difficulties in the resource requirements and the decay in probability associated with postselection of measurement outcomes on ancilla qubits. We demonstrate the validity of our proposal by performing a numerical simulation of the MCMC-SPU algorithm on the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model as an illustrative example.


Condensed matter physicsMaterial scienceJoint research
Norifumi Matsumoto, Shoichiro Tsutsui, Yuya O. Nakagawa, Yuichiro Hidaka, Shota Kanasugi, Kazunori Maruyama, Hirotaka Oshima, Shintaro Sato

Qubit frugal entanglement determination with the deep multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz

We study the deep multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (DMERA) on quantum hardware and the causal cone of a subset of the qubits which make up the ansatz. This causal cone spans O(M+logN) physical qubits on a quantum device, where M and N are the subset size and the total number qubits in the ansatz respectively. This allows for the determination of the von Neumann entanglement entropy of the N qubit wave-function using O(M+logN) qubits by diagonalization of the reduced density matrix (RDM). We show this by randomly initializing a 16-qubit DMERA and diagonalizing the resulting RDM of the M-qubit subsystem using density matrix simulation. As an example of practical interest, we also encode the variational ground state of the quantum critical long-range transverse field Ising model (LRTIM) on 8 spins using DMERA. We perform density matrix simulation with and without noise to obtain entanglement entropies in separate experiments using only 4 qubits. Finally we repeat the experiment on the IBM Kyoto backend reproducing simulation results.


Condensed matter physicsNISQ deviceMaterial science
Kushagra Garg, Zeeshan Ahmed, Andreas Thomasen

Classical variational optimization of PREPARE circuit for quantum phase estimation of quantum chemistry Hamiltonians

We propose a method for constructing PREPARE circuits for quantum phase estimation of a molecular Hamiltonian in quantum chemistry by using variational optimization of quantum circuits solely on classical computers. The PREPARE circuit generates a quantum state which encodes the coefficients of the terms in the Hamiltonian as probability amplitudes and plays a crucial role in the state-of-the-art efficient implementations of quantum phase estimation. We employ the automatic quantum circuit encoding algorithm [Shirakawa et al., arXiv:2112.14524] to construct PREPARE circuits, which requires classical simulations of quantum circuits of O(logN) qubits with N being the number of qubits of the Hamiltonian. The generated PREPARE circuits do not need any ancillary qubit. We demonstrate our method by investigating the number of T-gates of the obtained PREPARE circuits for quantum chemistry Hamiltonians of various molecules, which shows a constant-factor reduction compared to previous approaches that do not use ancillary qubits. Since the number of available logical qubits and T gates will be limited at the early stage of the fault-tolerant quantum computing, the proposed method is particularly of use for performing the quantum phase estimation with such limited capability.


Fault-tolerant quantum computerQuantum chemistryCondensed matter physics
Hayata Morisaki, Kosuke Mitarai, Keisuke Fujii, Yuya O. Nakagawa

Accelerated variational quantum eigensolver with joint Bell measurement

The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) stands as a prominent quantum-classical hybrid algorithm for near-term quantum computers to obtain the ground states of molecular Hamiltonians in quantum chemistry. However, due to the non-commutativity of the Pauli operators in the Hamiltonian, the number of measurements required on quantum computers increases significantly as the system size grows, which may hinder practical applications of VQE. In this work, we present a protocol termed joint Bell measurement VQE (JBM-VQE) to reduce the number of measurements and speed up the VQE algorithm. Our method employs joint Bell measurements, enabling the simultaneous measurement of the absolute values of all expectation values of Pauli operators present in the Hamiltonian. In the course of the optimization, JBM-VQE estimates the absolute values of the expectation values of the Pauli operators for each iteration by the joint Bell measurement, while the signs of them are measured less frequently by the conventional method to measure the expectation values. Our approach is based on the empirical observation that the signs do not often change during optimization. We illustrate the speed-up of JBM-VQE compared to conventional VQE by numerical simulations for finding the ground states of molecular Hamiltonians of small molecules, and the speed-up of JBM-VQE at the early stage of the optimization becomes increasingly pronounced in larger systems. Our approach based on the joint Bell measurement is not limited to VQE and can be utilized in various quantum algorithms whose cost functions are expectation values of many Pauli operators.


NISQ deviceQuantum chemistryCondensed matter physics
Chenfeng Cao, Hiroshi Yano, Yuya O. Nakagawa

Computation of Green's function by local variational quantum compilation

Computation of the Green's function is crucial to study the properties of quantum many-body systems such as strongly correlated systems. Although the high-precision calculation of the Green's function is a notoriously challenging task on classical computers, the development of quantum computers may enable us to compute the Green's function with high accuracy even for classically-intractable large-scale systems. Here, we propose an efficient method to compute the real-time Green's function based on the local variational quantum compilation (LVQC) algorithm, which simulates the time evolution of a large-scale quantum system using a low-depth quantum circuit constructed through optimization on a smaller-size subsystem. Our method requires shallow quantum circuits to calculate the Green's function and can be utilized on both near-term noisy intermediate-scale and long-term fault-tolerant quantum computers depending on the computational resources we have. We perform a numerical simulation of the Green's function for the one- and two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model up to 4×4 sites lattice (32 qubits) and demonstrate the validity of our protocol compared to a standard method based on the Trotter decomposition. We finally present a detailed estimation of the gate count for the large-scale Fermi-Hubbard model, which also illustrates the advantage of our method over the Trotter decomposition.


Condensed matter physicsMaterial scienceNISQ deviceJoint research
Shota Kanasugi, Shoichiro Tsutsui, Yuya O. Nakagawa, Kazunori Maruyama, Hirotaka Oshima, Shintaro Sato

Local variational quantum compilation of a large-scale Hamiltonian dynamics

Implementing time evolution operators on quantum circuits is important for quantum simulation. However, the standard way, Trotterization, requires a huge numbers of gates to achieve desirable accuracy. Here, we propose a local variational quantum compilation (LVQC) algorithm, which allows to accurately and efficiently compile a time evolution operators on a large-scale quantum system by the optimization with smaller-size quantum systems. LVQC utilizes a subsystem cost function, which approximates the fidelity of the whole circuit, defined for each subsystem as large as approximate causal cones brought by the Lieb-Robinson (LR) bound. We rigorously derive its scaling property with respect to the subsystem size, and show that the optimization conducted on the subsystem size leads to the compilation of whole-system time evolution operators. As a result, LVQC runs with limited-size quantum computers or classical simulators that can handle such smaller quantum systems. For instance, finite-ranged and short-ranged interacting L-size systems can be compiled with O(L^0)- or O(logL)-size quantum systems depending on observables of interest. Furthermore, since this formalism relies only on the LR bound, it can efficiently construct time evolution operators of various systems in generic dimension involving finite-, short-, and long-ranged interactions. We also numerically demonstrate the LVQC algorithm for one-dimensional systems. Employing classical simulation by time-evolving block decimation, we succeed in compressing the depth of a time evolution operators up to 40 qubits by the compilation for 20 qubits. LVQC not only provides classical protocols for designing large-scale quantum circuits, but also will shed light on applications of intermediate-scale quantum devices in implementing algorithms in larger-scale quantum devices.


Condensed matter physicsNISQ device
Kaoru Mizuta, Yuya O. Nakagawa, Kosuke Mitarai, Keisuke Fujii

Non-normal Hamiltonian dynamics in quantum systems and its realization on quantum computers

The eigenspectrum of a non-normal matrix, which does not commute with its Hermitian conjugate, is a central issue of non-Hermitian physics that has been extensively studied in the past few years. There is, however, another characteristic of a non-normal matrix that has often been overlooked: the pseudospectrum, or the set of spectra under small perturbations. In this paper, we study the dynamics driven by the non-normal matrix (Hamiltonian) realized as a continuous quantum trajectory of the Lindblad master equation in open quantum systems and point out that the dynamics can reveal the nature of unconventional pseudospectrum of the non-normal Hamiltonian. In particular, we focus on the transient dynamics of the norm of an unnormalized quantum state evolved with the non-normal Hamiltonian, which is related to the probability for observing the trajectory with no quantum jump. We formulate the transient suppression of the decay rate of the norm due to the pseudospectral behavior and derive a non-Hermitian/non-normal analog of the time-energy uncertainty relation. We also consider two methods to experimentally realize the non-normal dynamics and observe our theoretical findings on quantum computers: one uses a technique to realize non-unitary operations on quantum circuits and the other leverages a quantum-classical hybrid algorithm called variational quantum simulation. Our demonstrations using cloud-based quantum computers provided by IBM Quantum exhibit the frozen dynamics of the norm in transient time, which can be regarded as a non-normal analog of the quantum Zeno effect.


Quantum chemistryCondensed matter physicsNISQ deviceJoint research
by Nobuyuki Okuma, Yuya O. Nakagawa